Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do I have Borderline Personality Disorder?

It's very possible you have Borderline Personality Disorder...I think I had took me years to get over it..but the way I got over it, or the way I integrated emotions back into my normal every day I ended up being alone...kind of isolated, and I had to rely on other people for money, food, etc...I also ended up being abandoned by someone I really got close to...and that kind of triggered those abandonement issues, and I ended up suffering a lot, and that's how I got back in touch with my emotions. Borderlines have emotions, it's just that those emotions are buried underneath a lot of hurt that has been suppressed, repressed. Also I think it's very common that Borderlines are born to people, or have someone in their family who has another personality disorder, not necessarily Borderline. I read somewhere that Borderline Personality Disorder forms when a key person in the child's life fails to prevent that child from harm....I hope this helps. Good luck.

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